Birkbeck, University of London BISAL

Submission guidelines

These guidelines largely conform to the style provided in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed.).  

The manuscript should be submitted as a Word document, single-spaced, using Times New Roman, 12 points throughout (except for information at the top of the first page; please see below).  Margins: top: 3.5cm; bottom, 3.0 cm; left & right, 4.2 cm.  The entire text should be justified. Manuscripts should be between 7000 and 9000 words long, including bibliography and appendices.

The main text should be preceded by an abstract of 200 words maximum.  At the end of the paper there should be a short biographical note of the author of 100 words maximum.

Page numbers: Number the pages consecutively. Number all pages in Arabic numerals in the upper right hand corner. 

Order of manuscript pages: Arrange the pages of the manuscript as follows:

Contents of first page:  The first page of the manuscript should include the following information (centred at the top), using upper and lowercase letters:

Title of Publication (font size 16, bold)

Name(s) of Contributor(s) (font size 12, bold)


Institutional Affiliation (font size 11, italics)

E-mail address for correspondence (font size 10)

This should be followed by the abstract (font size 11: heading for abstract, like other main headings, in bold, flush left). Separately, provide an abbreviated title for header (30 characters maximum).

Headings:  Articles should be reasonably divided into sections and, if necessary, into sub-sections as follows:

Flush Left Upper and Lowercase Heading  (for main headings font size 12, bold)

Flush Left, Italicized, Uppercase and Lowercase Heading (for sub-headings font size 12, bold)

     Flush Left (indented), Italicized, Uppercase and Lowercase Heading (font size 12)

Please use a maximum of three levels of headings, as above.

Paragraphs and indentation: Indent the first line of every paragraph (except the first line after a title). For consistency use the tab key, which should be set at 3 to 4 spaces (0.63 cm). Type the remaining lines of the manuscript to a uniform left-hand margin. The only exceptions to these requirements are block quotations.  

Quotations: Incorporate a short quotation (fewer than 40 words) into the text and enclose the quotation with double quotation marks.


The author stated that “[t]he more metaphorical the reference, the more cultural knowledge is required to understand particular address term usage” (Fitch, 1991, p. 269-270). 

Use ellipses to indicate that you have omitted material from a quotation: Type three periods with a space before and after each period to indicate an omission within a sentence. Type four periods to indicate an omission between two sentences, a period for the sentence followed by three spaced periods. 

Use brackets, not parentheses, to enclose material inserted in a quotation by some person other than the original writer. 

Display a quotation of 40 or more words in a freestanding block of typewritten lines, and omit the quotation marks. Start such a block quotation on a new line, and indent the block about 3 or 4 spaces from the left and right margins. The entire quotation should be single-spaced.


Bourdieu (1980) said the following: 

The habitus, a product of history, produces individual and collective practices—more history—in accordance with the schemes engendered by history. It ensures the active presence of past experiences, which, deposited in each organism in the form of schemes of perception, thought and action, tend to guarantee the ‘correctness’ of practices and their constancy over time, more reliably than all formal rules and explicit norms. (p. 55)

Examples: Examples should be numbered with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.) in parentheses and indented:

(1) John opened the door.

Emphasis and foreign words: If you want to emphasize a word or words in a quotation, italicize the word or words.  Immediately after the italicized words, insert within brackets the words italics added. See example above. Use italics for foreign words, highlighting, and emphasis. 

Permissions: Authors are responsible for obtaining permission from copyright owners for the use of lengthy quoted material as well as for all tables and illustrations (even if these have been adapted). Where permission is required, the author or contributor should write both to the copyright owner, usually the publisher, and to the author of the material. (Permission letters should be sent to copyright owners in duplicate.) Permission should be requested for quoted materials of 500 words or more from books and journal articles. Appropriate acknowledgment should accompany the use of all quoted materials and tables and figures.

Numbering of Figures and Tables: Each figure and table should be mentioned in the text. Tables and figures should be numbered sequentially as they appear throughout the text, using Arabic numerals.

Notes: Notes should be used sparingly and formatted as endnotes. When notes appear, they should be indicated by superscript Arabic numerals and numbered consecutively throughout the text.  This should be done manually.  

Reference Citations in Text: The name and data system of the American Psychological Association, as described in the APA Manual (5th ed.), should be followed. Examples of this system are provided below. 

Burke (1993) proposed that … 
In his first study of traits (Burke, 1993) proposed that …
1st citation--use "and" if names are outside of parentheses:
Burke, Smith, and Jones (1988) found that …
1st citation--use ampersand if names are within parentheses:
(Burke & Jones, 1988)
Subsequent citation:
Burke et al. (1993) found that …
Smith et al. (1993) claim that ...
(1st and subsequent citations)
Order citations in order in which they appear in the reference list, as follows: Earlier works first (Levinson, 1979, 1983, in press)
Several works same year (García, 2004a, 2004b)
Alphabetized by author (Fant, 1989; Vázquez, 1978, 1983)
Letters, memos, telephone conversations, etc.
C. García (personal communication, October 18, 2005)

Reference List: All references that are cited in the text must appear in the reference list, except for personal communications. All entries that appear in the reference list must be cited in the text. 

Some general rules to follow (see also Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 5th ed.):


Aston, G. (1988). Learning Comity. An Approach to the Description and Pedagogy of Interactional Speech.  Bologna: CLUEB.
Atkinson, J. M., & Heritage, J.  (1984). Structures of Social Interaction.  Studies in Conversational  Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
(please indent entries as above)
Dewaele, J. M. (Ed.) (2005).Focus on French as a Foreign Language: Multidisciplinary Approaches. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
Brown, P., & Levinson, S. (1978). Universals in language usage: Politeness phenomena. In E. N. Goody (Ed.), Questions and Politeness: Strategies in Social Interaction (pp. 56-324). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
      Bargiela-Chiappini, F. (2003). Face and politeness: New (insights) for old (concepts). Journal of Pragmatics, 35, 1453-1469.
      Bissell, P., May, C. R., & Noyce, P. R. (2004). From compliance to concordance: Barriers to accomplishing a re-framed model of health care interactions, Social Science and Medicine,58, 4, 851-862.  

Spelling: For papers in English, British spelling, rather than American, is preferred. 

Author’s short biographical note:  Start with the author’s name in bold. 

Example: Juan Pedro Fernández is Assistant Professor …

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